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Frequently Asked Questions


Why would I contribute to DSF instead of directly to a school?

The Davis Schools Foundation encourages parents to donate to their children’s school PTAs for site-specific needs, while emphasizing that donations to DSF are crucial for funding district-wide programs and resources. DSF can support initiatives like full-time counselor positions split between schools and fund programs more efficiently across multiple sites, such as guest presenters and shared equipment leases. By donating to DSF, the community demonstrates its commitment to maintaining high-quality Davis public schools and attracts larger contributions to support these efforts.

Why does Davis need an education foundation?

While public education is guaranteed, an excellent education that supports students' social, emotional, and physical well-being is not. The Davis community is dedicated to providing the best possible education and effective, equitable learning environments. Due to fluctuations in state funding, we need a reliable local funding source. California ranks among the lowest in per pupil funding, leaving public schools struggling to meet minimum standards. In response, over 400 communities in California have created education foundations to support their schools, allowing parents to regain some control over the quality of their children’s education.



How does DSF work with each DJUSD school and PTA?

DSF leads the district's All PTA/PTO Group, facilitating regular meetings where PTA and PTO Presidents discuss issues, fundraising, and events, fostering collaboration and learning. The DJUSD Superintendent also attends these meetings, allowing direct interaction with district leaders. Many DSF board members have volunteered with a school's PTA, and DSF values the important role a PTA plays in defining each school's character, building community, and supporting site-specific needs. DSF collaborates with school communities to seek input on district-wide programs and assist with fundraising efforts, enlisting school representatives as liaisons. While a PTA has spending restrictions, DSF can fund positions and carry over funds, addressing broader needs and inequities between schools. This flexibility allows DSF to support programs and resources that a PTA cannot.


What are DSF's goals?

Our mission is to engage the Davis community to support local public schools, ensuring equitable, effective learning environments that prioritize students' social, emotional, and physical well-being. Our funding focuses on mental health services, equitable access, and educator support.


How will DSF money be spent, and who decides?

DSF funds programs based on yearly priorities set by our board of directors, with input from the DJUSD Board of Education, staff, PTAs, school site councils, and parent leaders. Grants to DJUSD are earmarked for specific programs, and we monitor finances to ensure funds are spent as intended.


What protections ensure DSF's funds are properly managed?

The foundation’s funds are held in a reputable local bank. Our bylaws mandate two authorized signatures for every check and an annual review by an independent accountant. Our CPA bookkeeper provides regular financial reports to the board and files annual tax returns, including a detailed listing of all checks written.


How efficient is DSF?

The foundation spends less than 5% of its budget on operating costs like copying, advertising, fundraising, and insurance. We also seek pro bono contributions and in-kind donations whenever possible.


How are DSF and
DJUSD related?

DSF is an independent organization that collaborates with DJUSD for success. We seek input from the Board of Education, staff, principals, and teachers to determine appropriate program funding.


Can I earmark donations for a particular school?

DSF supports programs across all DJUSD schools and does not accept donations designated for specific schools.



Kelly Heung, President
P.O. Box 1154, Davis, CA 95617


Para obtener más información en español, por favor haga clic aquí

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DSF is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit 

Tax ID 20-1639231

(click on the button below to donate)

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